Letter to the Editor: Vote Yes on 3


Dear Editor:

Many parents struggle to accept their LGBTQ kids when they first come out. But that is not my family’s story.

My son Aiden is 23 years old and he is transgender. That means my husband and I raised him as a girl for two decades until he told us that he was not a girl at all — that he never had been, and that he wanted to transition and live every day as his true and authentic self. My husband and I have always accepted and loved our children for who they are and that did not change a bit when Aiden came out as transgender. We want him to be happy, safe, and able to live his life just like our two daughters. When I think about my family, it breaks my heart that all of my children may not have the same ability to go about their lives without the fear of discrimination.

But unfortunately, Aiden’s safety would be in jeopardy if our state’s nondiscrimination law is repealed this November. On behalf of my son Aiden and our family, I implore you to vote ‘yes’ on Ballot Question 3 and uphold the law that protects transgender people in Massachusetts from discrimination.

Some people who want to repeal this law say that the law actually endangers women and children. They would have you believe that transgender people like my son pose a threat to our society. That is simply not true. This law has been on the books in Massachusetts for two years — and is in place in 18 other states across the country — and there has been no uptick in public safety incidents anywhere. That’s why law enforcement officers, including Canton’s own Chief Ken Berkowitz and the Massachusetts Chiefs of Police Association, as well as sexual assault, domestic violence and women’s organizations, have endorsed voting Yes on 3 — because they know this nondiscrimination law makes all of us safer. Countless other businesses, universities, sports organizations, and faith leaders also support Yes on 3.

My husband and I aren’t perfect parents — no parent is. But it was never a question for us that we should not just love Aiden, but that we would accept and embrace him for exactly who he is. That’s what I would assume every parent would do. And beyond that, I don’t think it should be a question as to whether or not Massachusetts voters will uphold dignity and respect for all. Our state has led on issues of equality in the past, and we can be leaders once again. I urge you to vote Yes on 3 — for my son, for my family, and for the future of our state.

Christine Smith

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