St. Gerard’s seeks sports equipment for Cuba trip

Father Emilio with the group traveling to Cuba this summer

Father Emilio with the group traveling to Cuba this summer

St. Gerard Majella parish has a long history of outreach trips every summer to underserved communities and to areas needing disaster relief work. Last summer a youth group was able to travel to Cuba for the first time to bring a modified Kids Camp to the children in Cuba. A group will return again in July, giving participants an unbelievable experience as well as the opportunity to touch the lives of the local families in Cuba.

The group is asking for donations of new or used sports equipment that families in Canton may have or no longer need. The group will bring and deliver these generous donations to the underprivileged Cuban communities they will visit. The equipment requests include frisbees, soccer balls, basketballs, wiffle balls and bats, ball pumps, cleats, tennis balls, or any other sports gear that can be deflated and easily transported. Also, any old large hockey or baseball bags will be of great use to transport the equipment to Cuba.

Donations will be accepted June 1-30. They can be dropped off in the lower church at St Gerard’s or at Canton High School outside the main office in the drop-off center. Any and all donations will be accepted and greatly appreciated and have the potential to create a lasting impact on the children in the underserved areas of Cuba that the group will visit. Thank you in advance!

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