Board of Selectmen approves updated Reverse 911 system


The Board of Selectmen Tuesday night approved a replacement Reverse 911 system after the old system performed poorly during the recent state of emergency caused by an MWRA water main break in early May.

The new system, which is expected to be on-line within two weeks, will give residents more options as to how they can be reached in a public emergency, such as by telephone land line, email, or text message. Residents can also choose to receive non-emergency local government messages, including town meeting notices and election updates.

With the recommendation of Louis Jutras, the town’s information systems manager, selectmen voted to award a contract to Everbridge Inc. at a cost of $7,875. Town Administrator Bill Friel said the cost is comparable to what the town is paying now and has already been budgeted in the technology account.

Selectmen had asked Jutras and Friel to study other proposals in light of the MWRA incident, noting that a large percentage of town residents had not been properly alerted to the emergency. Selectman Sal Salvatori, who was chairman at the time, said it was not the result of a human error but rather the technology was behind the times. Jutras said the new system can access up to 15,000 phone numbers in an hour.

In other business:

* Selectmen accepted with regret the retirement filing of Buddy Fallon, the superintendent of buildings and grounds who has served the town for 42 years. Selectman Chairman Victor Del Vecchio said a public recognition will be held at a future date. Selectmen also accepted with regret the retirement notices of DPW staffers William Correia and Bill O’Brien. John Redquest was appointed water foreman for the DPW effective June 14. Selectmen also announced the resignation of Town Accountant Janine Smith effective June 25.

* Despite his concern over the new water irrigation rates and the potential cost increases for businesses, Selectman Bob Burr said he felt the town was limited in its options and signed off on the new water rates, which will take effect on July 1.

* Selectmen approved 43 temporary summer jobs for positions that include camp counselors, playground staff, and lifeguards. One hundred applications were submitted and the town rehired 33 people who had previously worked in these positions. Selectmen also voted to ask the Finance Committee for $8,000 in emergency funds to repair the town pool, which is slated to open later this month. Recreation Director Jeff Kaylor also reported that the new water slide will be ready for use two weeks after the pool is opened.

* Friel reported that the BOS, the School Committee, and many Pleasant Street residents will send letters in support of a safety improvement plan for a new driveway at the Luce School. The plan will be heard by the zoning board Thursday night.

* George Comeau, the town’s MBTA representative, said he is working with the local Masonic Lodge to hold a public ceremony commemorating the 175th anniversary of the building of the Canton Viaduct. Comeau expects some 400 people to attend the ceremony, which will be held October 10 and will include a short march from the Masonic Hall on Church Street to the Viaduct.

* Selectmen will next meet on Tuesday, June 22.

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